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Tabletop RPG Stuff

Quick Review of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS), the GM Screen, and the Dungeon Fantasy Companion from Steve Jackson Games

This has been a long time coming. The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Kickstarter) came out way back in 2017, which is already crazy for me to think about. I think I would best describe is as the younger sibling of GURPS that is really into fantasy, which meant it was perfect for me. 5 books, 2 large double-sided maps, cardboard figures,… Read More »Quick Review of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS), the GM Screen, and the Dungeon Fantasy Companion from Steve Jackson Games

Thoughts on decapitation in GURPS

To make execution and decapitation fit the rules better, there are [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘How would you model Saudi Arabia beheading in GURPS?’ on the GURPS forums”]a couple of worthy suggestions[/su_tooltip]: Kromm says: If “triple damage” is possible on a lucky shot, then in a set-up situation where luck doesn’t come into it, it ought… Read More »Thoughts on decapitation in GURPS

Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS

So that’s what he’s been doing. You caught me fair and square. This month, I’ve spent over a week trying to figure out how to best merge Knowing Your Own Strength (KYOS) with Conditional Injury (CI). The funniest part of the story is that this came from me trying to fit some new decapitation rules into GURPS because I don’t like the… Read More »Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS