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Late to 2020: Reviewing 2019

I’m not terribly proud of myself for falling behind in December, but I also worked much less on my writing and my conlang. For the first time in a long while, I had a huge boost in motivation to work on GURPS stuff. So, that’s what I did, but I didn’t post about anything because progress in GURPS is always… Read More »Late to 2020: Reviewing 2019

New greyfolk language typeface, syllable blocks, numerals

After working on other pieces of the greyfolk language for so long, I am genuinely proud to present the new typeface: klepalka (it’s in a .zip file since .ttf files aren’t normally allowed by WordPress). The name is just a transliteration of the work ‘greyfolk’ into the greyfolk language. Instead of just containing a few syllable blocks to use as… Read More »New greyfolk language typeface, syllable blocks, numerals

Creating the new 7HR alphabet

It’s like a [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘Seven-segment display’ on Wikipedia“]seven-segment display[/su_tooltip]. But horizontal, so it’s on its side. But rotated, so it’s normal again. That’s what 7HR means—it’s 7-segment display horizontal rotated. So, the previous alphabet would be called 14N—it’s 14-segment display neutral. Seven segments is a lot less than 14 segments, so that’s already… Read More »Creating the new 7HR alphabet

New alphabet, places of articulation, and manners of articulation

I just got finished finally typing up ‘New «h» glyph (and the runners-up)’ when I realized that a lot of what went into the design would be lost if I didn’t talk about [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘Place of articulation’ on Wikipedia“]place of articulation[/su_tooltip] and [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘Manner of articulation’… Read More »New alphabet, places of articulation, and manners of articulation

Another two weeks later

Things have been going well for the Greyfolk language and things have been going well for me. You’re probably here for the Greyfolk language, but let’s start with me. Since my last update, my girlfriend has graduated from her dual master’s program at IU. That’s fun! I haven’t done anything too amazing like that, but I did beat Dishonored without killing… Read More »Another two weeks later

Post-presentation update

Two weeks later / In the living room stressin’ from “Helpless” from Hamilton the musical. Has it really been two weeks since my last update? But so much has happened since then! One such thing is that I was invited back by one of my professors to give a guest lecture on conlanging as well as what I’ve done with… Read More »Post-presentation update

Greyfolk Font Update 3: Man, the Man Is Non-Stop!

Forget my previous post and even the one before it because here’s another update! I’ve been working on this font day and night [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to Non-Stop from Hamilton on YouTube“]like I’m running out of time[/su_tooltip]. It happened after I woke up this morning after my update late last night. “There are just a couple… Read More »Greyfolk Font Update 3: Man, the Man Is Non-Stop!

So, I’ve already updated the font for Greyfolk

It’s actually already reflected in my previous post. After I published that post, I realized that I was seeing some inconsistencies across my phone, my computer, and my girlfriend’s laptop. The font looked much sharper on my phone and on my girlfriend’s laptop while appearing fuzzy on my monitor. “How can that be?” I wondered. My monitor has a 4k… Read More »So, I’ve already updated the font for Greyfolk